Sunday, November 8, 2009

Piece of cake.

I must admit I havent been to Negeri Sembilan's football games as frequent as I would like to due to studies commitments. But as I have finished my studies this year, I can proudly say that I've been to most of the Malaysia Cup games at Paroi even during the group stages. I must say congratulations to the players and fans for giving their best even when the odds are stacked against them. Just let the unruly fans be them, they are already used to that kind of hooliganism. As Negeri Sembilan has won the Malaysia Cup and I got to be there to witness the historic event, this post is specially dedicated to all my 'waghih'.

English mode off.

"Bukan jauh bonar pun Somban tu...Moh kito naik keto ramai-ramai poie stadium..."

"Bas pun den bawak la poie stadium..Kot drebar tu taknak bawak,den boleh bawakkan jugak"

"Den sajo yo tukar style rambut den camni sobab den peminat hard core Alip Samsudin"

" Kawe nak merusuh...Kawe tak kire...warrggghhhh"

"Ha, kan dah kene mercun.Padan muke penyokong Negri.Kawe memang puas ati.Hahaha"

" Apo ni FRU,takkan biar yo.Dorang baling morcun tu. Pokak tingo den ni ha."

" Eh,ape ni tok. Kawe tak baling mercun. Kawe ni baik-baik belako. Kito kelate bako oghe berani tok. Jangan tuduh-tuduh"

" Den tak kiro. Duduk diam-diam. Den ghembat dengan cota ni kang."

" Defend! Oii defend!!! Takyah wall do.Biar yo dorang sepak.Bukan boleh gol pun.Nenek den tondang pun laie kuek."

" Den sobonar eh orang Negri jugak. Tapi den kono kojo pulak malam ni.Takpo la,domi kojo, berhujan pun den sanggup, asalkan Negri monang."

" Macam Kanye West tak den? Bezo den dongan dio, den ni tak kacau Taylor Swift yo."

"Den ni sanggup kuar dari gua kat Afghanistan semato-mato untuk menyokong team faveret den."

"Mang ai, den yang kepalo botak macam gangster ni pun takut tengok asap banyak-banyak ni."

" Tulah den maleh ni. Apola kojo bakar kerusi stadium plak ni. Tak pornah poie stadium lawa ko apo. Den jugak yang kono padamkan."

" Takpo-takpo. Lopeh game den belanjo teammate den kopi hai-o. Tapi sorang satu goleh yo tau. Den kopak ni."

Ijai ni membor den kat sekolah dulu,duduk sobolah den kat kelas time kat PZ. Dulu selalu gak datang rumah dengan motor honda dio tu. Tapi sekarang takdo laie la datang.Sibuk bonar kot. Takpo la,kang orang cakap den nak tumpang glamer plak kan.

English mode on.

Negri Sembilan jersey colour last night = yellow = the royal's official colour = Yamtuan Besar = Yamtuan Besar's coronation is in 2009 = 09 = 7 + 1 + 1 ( 7th November, date of the final).

Fate already has it that the night belonged to Negeri Sembilan.

Last night was a fantastic game. The players played well. What irritates me the most is the unruly behaviour of Kelantan's fans. They intimidated and provoked the Negri's fans just because we were outnumbered at the stadium. Even when the game had finished, they still provoked us at outside of the stadium. If I had retaliated, I dont think I'll be typing this entry right now. If I had a say in FAM, I would have banned Kelantan from the MSL for next season, without a bit of hesitation. Nevertheless, congratulations to Negeri Sembilan and let's hope that we wont have to wait another 61 years for another trophy.

Disclaimer: If your picture or someone that you know is here and dont wish for it to be published here, just leave a comment and I will take it off promptly. For Negri fans only.


  1. penyokong kelantan ni mmmg dasar x bole terima kekalahan.. da mmg x bgs.. pastu nk bwt kecoh.. aku mmg benci la org kelate ni.. adab zero, knowledge lg la xda..

  2. hehhee walaupun aku bkn org kami sekeluarga sokong negri smlm!! weeee

    P/s: kelantan fans sgt ....huh!

  3. pacik den poie gak semalam..den yo tgk tb nun jauh di pahang..apo apo pon...nogohi maen mmg terbaek! banggo botul den

  4. topek,crazy labelle and ira: sabar2...yang penting kite jgn buat camtu.kite tgk bola,bkn pegi perang.rilek2 sudey...

  5. pujah: ape la duk rumah je..aku ajak pegi stadium taknak...hehe

  6. den duk kek blah blakang osama tadi.. botul2 bawah skrin.. apo tak tangkap gambar sey. hahah

  7. samo la kito duk bawah skrin tu jo...patut kot pakai topeng obama plak ko,baru la tangkap gambar.hehe

  8. yes.. gambar yang aku tunggu2.. nak curik sket bawak masuk blog aku bole? hahaha..

  9. adeq: amek la..tapi kene credit kat aku la ek...jgn wat mcm harta sendiri...hehe

  10. congratulation to n9.. finally dpt dakap piala malaysia setelah bpuluh3 thn.. hehehe..

    adeq: org jhor xyah sbuk la.. bkn mng pn.. wakakaka..

  11. biasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
