I have been writing and putting pictures of other places but rarely Seremban. As few days ago I went with out with my new friends and shot few pictures of Seremban at night, I guess I should put them here so that other people will know how Seremban looks at night. So, enjoy :)

It's nothing much, but at least people will know how Seremban looks at night :)
nice shot~
ReplyDeletesy x pernah pegi seremban,siang atau malam,xtau keadaan seramban macam mana..tp sy tau keadaan kertih yg penuh dgn cahaya di wktu malam*xde kaitan*.and,gambar cantik
ReplyDeletewow... camana nk buat ek lights jd mcm tu?.. I've always wanted to learn.. teach me please.. (^^,)
ReplyDeleteaku baru je balik seremban last friday..huhu
ReplyDeletexerox: thanks dude...
ReplyDeletenoha: takpe,nnt sy dtg kertih,sy amek gmbr kertih plak ek...hehe
aida: thanks...
just_najmie: sediakan sedulang tepung dan susu,campur smpai sebati...ehehe
pujah: dah la ko pujah,datang sban bkn nak msg aku kan...taknak kawan dgn ko lagila...huhuu
blog updated.. latest entry, Lelaki, Seks & Lesbian.. leave a comment when u drop by.. thanks! (^^,)
ReplyDeletecantekk..bilakah akan daku smpai dctu..huu
ReplyDeletecapik.... I love this one place in Seremban at night.. The one depan the old white library dekat roundabout with fountain tuh. Pokok kat jalan sane is full of drape hanging lights that I think will be a great shot.
ReplyDeleteimheppie: cepat2 la datang ye,boleh tgk2 seremban ni..hehe
ReplyDeleteemmi: thanks..will do..dorang ade ajak lagi amek gmbr jumaat mlm ni..maybe blh ajak dorang dtg situ nnt..
abah!!! jum pindah seremban!!!
ReplyDeleteaimi: sila2..pindah ke taman bukit chedang ek..hehe
ReplyDeleteuuuu....nice2....to nice.
ReplyDeleteSyafiq... dorang tuh sape?? Aku mmg duk bukit chedang ape....
ReplyDeleteNak ikutttt!!! Jumaat nih aku mmg turun seremban! :)
ezhan: thanks...
ReplyDeleteemi: dak photog kat sban ni..dorang ajak lepak senawang...tak tau la dorang nak ajak shoot pape ke tak pastu..kalau nak ikut,ko ym aku...
owh.ni msti TT bdk2 snawang tu..peney pon ada kan..photog klate tu
ReplyDeletemuein: aah...ni TT dgn dak senawang aritu..peney pun ade sekali..